10 AI your company needs to maximize their delivery

10 AI your company needs to maximize their delivery As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, it’s essential for companies to embrace the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) to stay ahead of the competition. Here are 10 AI technologies that your company needs to maximize its delivery and stay ahead of the curve: […]
6 websites you should try to learn more about marketing

6 websites you should try to learn more about marketing CareerFoundry’s programs will teach you everything you need to get your first job in just around 5 months, even if you’re inexperienced.(https://careerfoundry.com/) Copyblogger will teach you how to succeed as a writer, connect with your target audience and inspire action. (https://copyblogger.com/) Coursera offers tons of […]
Tips for companies to be more eco friendly

Tips for companies to be more eco friendly SAVE ENERGY by maximizing natural light, using light colors on walls, and installing motion-sensitive lights. In warm weather, open windows instead of using air conditioning. Reduce YOUR WEBSITE’s weight by removing unnecessary background codes and plugins. Use a GREEN ENERGY supplier to power your tech with sustainable […]
Tips and tricks for marketing/PR strategy

Tips and tricks for marketing/PR strategy DEFINE THE SITUATION To create a successful PR campaign, understand the company’s finances, market position, and goals. YOUR OBJECTIVES Focus on the end result, not just what you put into it. IDENTIFY YOUR AUDIENCE Define them by type and characteristics and sell your message to them. STRATEGY IS THE […]
Tips for beginner YouTubers

Thinking of starting your career as a YouTuber but your friends and family told you it’s “no future”, huh? Well, you can prove them wrong by following these tips: Decide on your theme, whichever you feel the most and are comfy with. (for entertainment and escapism or educational or etc); Come up with a catchy […]