6 websites you should try to learn more about marketing

CareerFoundry’s programs will teach you everything you need to get your first job in just around 5 months, even if you’re inexperienced.(https://careerfoundry.com/)

Copyblogger will teach you how to succeed as a writer, connect with your target audience and inspire action. (https://copyblogger.com/)

Coursera offers tons of content marketing online courses, certifications, and degrees in a variety of subjects. (https://www.coursera.org/)

Udemy has a wide range of various courses including marketing, both free and paid. (https://www.udemy.com/)

Alison’s courses in social media strategy are an excellent foundation if you’d like to expand your platform-specific skills. (https://alison.com/)

Constant Contact is an easy-to-use platform that’ll help you drive sales and engage your audience. (https://www.linkedin.com/learning/topics/constant-contact)